Thursday, December 25, 2008

Ice Cream Pie!!

Merry Christmas Eve, everyone!!

Today started off with a crazy shopping trip to a two-story Wal-Mart, Barnes & Noble, and then to Ikea.

My mom and I!

The Starbucks that's about a three-minute walk from our apartment.

Pretty blue sky [:


Getting nervous about the two-story wal-mart...

After we went to Wal-Mart & B&N, we needed a break. So, we ate at Panda Express. I also got coffee at the Star Bucks across the way. haha.

My fortune cookie read "Accept the next proposition you get..." in bed!!!


Haha This is what I got interrupted on the phone so many times with Scottie for (okay, just once when mom called during our chat, and then when they got home from the Von's nextdoor).

Mom washed dishes while I crushed cookies.

"this is kinda gross"

YEAH! First pie is done!! This is the original recipe; Mint.

Alllriiiight. Second Pie is done!
(I doodled that for about the last ten minutes of my phone convo with Scott)

The second pie!! It's a variation for the non-mint lovers of my family. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. :D

Mint Ice Cream Pie

1 bag of mint milano cookies, crumbled
roughly a quarter-stick of butter, melted (use your discretion)
1 half-gallon of mint chocolate chip ice cream, softened (I probably only used half of this, though, but who doesn't like leftovers?)
Whipped Cream of choice, for garnish.
Candy Cane, crushed, for garnish.
Chocolate syrup, for garnish.
1 8-inch pie pan

Crush bag of cookies into a medium-sized bowl (or whatever you'd like to mix it in!). Pour in melted butter, a little at a time. Mix in butter. When at a good molding consistency, pour into pie pan. Spread crust. Spoon in softened ice cream. Smooth top with back of spoon. Cover with tin foil and re-freeze!

You may need to let it sit out before you serve to be able to slice it really well.

Decorate plate as you wish, with the suggested list of garnishes. [:

And, of course, it's possible to make up variations, as seen with my second pie! I used plain milano cookies and chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream for that.

Let me know if you ever make this, and how it turns out!

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